Animal Control
Dear Ridiculous Neighbors,Thanks! Thank you for calling animal control on me. No really, you guys are just the best. Remember how I have asked you if my dogs were causing any problems just to let me know because I am HAPPY to fix any problems that I don't know about? Do you remember how I gave you my phone number so you could call me if there were a problem with my dogs? Do you not see me just about every day as I come home from and go to work/school? Do you not know where I live? Would it really have been that big of a deal to tell me that my dog was barking so I could fix it? Or maybe, when I ask you if there are any problems you can tell me that my dog barks when I am not home that way I can correct the problem. But no, instead of being mature adults and coming to me so that I can fix it, you call animal control on me. Was that totally necessary?
You all know full well that when I am home I do NOT allow my dogs to bark and if they do (which is rarely) I correct it and put a stop to it right away. Yes my dogs have gotten out a couple of times, but have I not come to you, apologized, asked if there was any damage done (not that they are bad dogs, but I'm trying to be a good neighbor) and fixed it so my dogs couldn't get out again? Why is it that no one calls animal control on the little yappy thing that yaps ALL FUCKING DAY AND NIGHT?! With the owners that stand in their back yard and scream at the dog well into the night and early morning hours? Or perhaps on the dog that barked non stop for over 3 hours on Easter. Even in my basement, with earplugs I could hear it so much so that I had to leave MY house because it was giving me a migraine. No one called on that dog. Or what about the dogs that are aggressive that are allowed to roam the neighborhood attaching dogs that are on leash, in their own yards, or people while they are walking? I have talked to the owners of those dogs numerous times and yet their dangerous dogs are still loose. I have called animal control on them when the dogs have charged me, but animal control has done nothing and just today I saw the dogs loose.
See if you would only come to me I could figure out if there is a cause to my dog barking. I know he barked when I first got him, but after working with him I thought he stopped. Remember how I asked if he was still barking and you said no... well that would have been the time to tell me that he was, or simply tell me that he started up again. Does he bark only when he is in the smaller pen, or when he is in the yard too? Does he bark every time I leave him or was yesterday an odd occurrence? Does he bark the whole time I'm gone, or just if someone is walking by? Any information you give me would help me to make sure it doesn't happen again. But no, you hide behind animal control so that I can get no answers to find the best solution to the problem.
I will be making several changes with my dog and I will do my best to eliminate the barking asap. I will not stay to have a barking dog. However please in the futchre let me know if there is a problem instead of calling animal control so that I can fix it. I can see you calling animal control if you had brought this to my attention and I refused to do something about it, but I will never understand why you just couldn't/wouldn't come to be to begin with.
Thanks a lot! I've Been Fuched!
- Just saw a massive msikate in the Amendments; the following clause should read: Provided further that the business of issuing or granting BLANKET licenseS in respect of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works incorporated in a cinematograph films or sound recordings shall be carried out only through a copyright society duly registered under this Act:;A collective management society is not in the business of issuing individual licenses. Who has drafted these revised Amendments?